I was only able to go to China for four days because it was the Korean Thanksgiving Holiday. How amazing that it happened so soon after I got to Korea! Anyways, I wanted to go to China particularly because my brother is getting his Masters at Peking University and he said that fall would be a good time to visit and it just seemed perfect. Tennyson and I took a tour with Xanadu Travel, which is a touring company in Seoul for foreigners and they had a trip to Beijing! It seemed to all work out perfectly. There were a few glitches in the beginning because our flight was overbooked and it seemed to all be very last minute. But once we got to China, everything worked out perfectly. Its nice going with a tour because everything is planned out for you. You may not have as much free time as you would like but I know that if I had gone on my own seeing everything we saw would be almost impossible. I've traveled alone before and trust me its not so great. The stress just disappears when someone else plans it for you especially since its a vacation!
Basically we saw all of these things in order: Chinese acrobat show, Ming Tombs, THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA (!), Hutong Tour (in which we were biked around through the narrow alleys of "Old Beijing"), a tea house, Temple of Heaven, Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, and the Summer Palace...
It was fantastic. I had such a great time with Tennyson and meeting the people from our tour and I got to see my brother. It really rejuvenated this whole experience and made me realize that traveling is one of the main reasons why I came here.
So thanks China...you are pretty cool
oh and I bought a lot!
Stop lying. You went to China to pursue your dream of becoming a concubine and following in the dragon ladies footsteps.
Aw Mullen it all sounds so amazing! Great picture too (:
China got a lot less cool the second you flew into it's airspace.
wait a go mullen.
way to de-coolify a whole COUNTRY.
And you will never cut it as a concubine...so stop dreaming that...it ain't gonna happen.
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