Sunday, March 16, 2008


Sometimes, I feel that I am constantly defending myself because I am the opposite of what people think I should be.

The biggest one- I'm am an American, which recently I have felt somewhat attacked about. Native Koreans actually like America. Everyone seems generally interested/ curious when I say where I am from. However, its the foreigners in Korea that are the problem. Yeah okay all Americans are dumb, fat, and rich. Sure that doesn't sound judgmental at all...Maybe before you believe a ridiculous stereotype like about you take a look at the sheer size of America and maybe think to yourself...hey maybe all Americans aren't the same? How about that? Also I really don't like talking about the U.S. Presidential election with people who aren't from America...

I am a Southerner yet I don't have an accent. The way people say "But you don't have an accent" really bugs me.. I was still born and raised there and just because I don't have an accent doesn't make me any less of a Southern girl.

I am I am not extreme or crazy religious. It's also something private for me and I don't pretend to think that everyone should have the same beliefs as me and I don't want to impose on anyone else.

I love theater....its another great passion for me. Theater has always been an outlet and has allowed me to just being the quiet, nice girl that is ignored but loved to something else. You don't have to loud and arrogant to be in takes patience, confidence, and skill...Its just amazing and something that I miss.

Okay I need to stop because this is making me sound angrier that I am.


Candy said...

hehehe one thing I never thought of you as was quiet :)

Yeah, people don't really understand what accents are from where. I mean any people. We understand our own area, but even within the states people don't understand other areas.

To me you do have a bit of a southern accent, but probably only because I'm from up North and can hear it better. But you don't have the stereotypical drawl, which is probably about as common as Bobby's mom's voice is in Minnesota.

It's too bad that you have to deal with people who are so blatantly rude, though. I hope you don't have to talk to them much.

I hope you're able to follow enough of the election activities right now. It's been interesting, to say the least.

Miss you,

ertennyson said...

two words: America's Hat

CSmith said...


And we here in America embrace all stereotypes and diverse beliefs on just what exactly a stereotype is!

That Asian drives too slow!
That Black guy's eating fried chicken!
That White guy went to Yale!

Ahhh, racism. No matter what, comedians will make it funny. I suggest Daniel Tosh "What Do You Taste Like."
