this proves who is better...and who is creepy.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Photo Story of my Summa
Sometimes, photos just say it best so I'm gonna let them take the stage...

Inside joke behind this pic which would take too long to explain here, but needless to say, it's an awesome pic.
So those were some pics of my summer..twas a great one! I'm sad to see it go...
My cousin and I at an outdoor concert (we saw Snoop later that night..amazing)
Inside joke behind this pic which would take too long to explain here, but needless to say, it's an awesome pic.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Going Through The Motions..
My last picture in Korea
So today marks the anniversary of me leaving and going on my round the world trip (first with just Erica and then Erica, Liz, and Kirsten)....What an experience. Life changing and then I came home and that was a whole other adventure. As you could tell if you've been reading this, it hasn't been particularly happy. I really needed to be home in the beginning and be with my family because not only had I been gone for a year but I also hadn't lived in SC since high school. I really wanted to have that experience...and to tell you the truth, I hadn't thought of what else I should do. It was wonderful to be home at the time I was because there was a lot of family stuff going on, which really felt rewarding for me to be there for. Also, I got to have a better relationship with my cousins and of course, my immediate family. All good things...

I'd say the most challenging part of this year hasn't been living at home or not finding a job, it has been not having a lot of friends to share it with. Now I have friends in Greenville, two friends since high school particularly and a cluster of acquaintances I have met, but it's just very different with them. It's not the kind of friendship where I can say "Hey let's go to the movies or this new restaurant or this concert." I had been spoiled in college and in Korea by having lots of friends or at least acquaintances around me a lot, who wanted to do things spontaneously. And after I had been home awhile and the holidays were over and I didn't have a job, I really needed friends...I just needed people to do stuff with! msyelf for a long time and not feel alone, but as soon as I'm out in public by myself I feel more alone! Funny how that is. That has been my biggest grievance with this whole year.
A friend of mine who I taught in Korea asked me what is more important? Environment or people? My answer has always been people.
So I'm comparing this year of my life to the six season of Buffy (without that weird Spike relationship)

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Pocket Philosopher
I've learned something in my 24 years.
Life is weird, unexpected, hilarious, and full of possibilities.
This blog used to be devoted to my life in Korea and now it's devoted to life after Korea. Sometimes it's unbelievable how different those lives are. I'm so proud of what I (and my friends) did last year. I really am. Of course, I feel that way a little so I can justify my life now (well I don't have a 'real' job now because I did THAT last year), which I know is ridiculous and just temporary. But it's also pretty cool what we did.
I'm in a good mood right now and figured I should share that with the bloggers out there!
I'm very proud of my friends, can I just say? I love them. Of course the number of my friends getting married (or who are married), made me feel I don't know kinda weird, kinda jealous, but also just with the feeling "But you're so young!" Now, I don't feel that way. I feel happy for them, which I know I should have felt before, but I also feel that if you find somebody that you love, hang onto them! But I'm also glad I have not met someone yet because I'm just not ready, but one day I will be...
I've been thinking about living in NYC, at least for a little while. I have many friends there or who will be living there and it just seems right I guess. It seems very scary as well, but I think it would be a good thing. I have thought about studying arts administration or film preservation. Not sure...I would like to go back to school especially if I went to New York.
oh and I was going to be in a movie here in SC. It was to be called Daisy Doom about this run down town with a local legend about a family who never leaves their house, but the town folk see this girl in the window and there's always a daisy on the front porch steps. Anyways, the main character was this frustrated kinda d-bag who has a sad life (mother has run off, father is not all there, sister gets beaten by her boyfriend) but meets this odd girl in the woods who he strikes up a friendship with. Well I was to play the odd girl named Estella...I thought it would have been fun and challenging. Then the entire thing was canceled on Sunday because of this huge misunderstanding..Very frustrating. Well here's the dress I would have worn! I got it from a local vintage shop. Oh well :(
Life is weird, unexpected, hilarious, and full of possibilities.
This blog used to be devoted to my life in Korea and now it's devoted to life after Korea. Sometimes it's unbelievable how different those lives are. I'm so proud of what I (and my friends) did last year. I really am. Of course, I feel that way a little so I can justify my life now (well I don't have a 'real' job now because I did THAT last year), which I know is ridiculous and just temporary. But it's also pretty cool what we did.
I'm in a good mood right now and figured I should share that with the bloggers out there!
I'm very proud of my friends, can I just say? I love them. Of course the number of my friends getting married (or who are married), made me feel I don't know kinda weird, kinda jealous, but also just with the feeling "But you're so young!" Now, I don't feel that way. I feel happy for them, which I know I should have felt before, but I also feel that if you find somebody that you love, hang onto them! But I'm also glad I have not met someone yet because I'm just not ready, but one day I will be...
I've been thinking about living in NYC, at least for a little while. I have many friends there or who will be living there and it just seems right I guess. It seems very scary as well, but I think it would be a good thing. I have thought about studying arts administration or film preservation. Not sure...I would like to go back to school especially if I went to New York.
oh and I was going to be in a movie here in SC. It was to be called Daisy Doom about this run down town with a local legend about a family who never leaves their house, but the town folk see this girl in the window and there's always a daisy on the front porch steps. Anyways, the main character was this frustrated kinda d-bag who has a sad life (mother has run off, father is not all there, sister gets beaten by her boyfriend) but meets this odd girl in the woods who he strikes up a friendship with. Well I was to play the odd girl named Estella...I thought it would have been fun and challenging. Then the entire thing was canceled on Sunday because of this huge misunderstanding..Very frustrating. Well here's the dress I would have worn! I got it from a local vintage shop. Oh well :(
Monday, April 13, 2009
me and all my friends, we're all misunderstood
Just talking with Erica tonight, I realized something. All of my friends my age are in this annoying state of limbo. We have had the accomplishment of finishing school and now everyone just seems to be waiting....for that next thing. In most everyone's case, it's a freakin' job (economy), but it's also getting maybe a better job or waiting to move or start school or get roles or even when to get married and where to live. I guess it helps to know that my friends are not feeling confident and second guessing themselves. I know it comes along with being in your early 20s and done with school, but I just want something better for all of us! Or to at least have some answers to why life is kinda sucking right now.
I'm just glad to have started watching LOST because nothing sucks you in and makes you forget your own life like that show. kudos jj abrams.
I'm just glad to have started watching LOST because nothing sucks you in and makes you forget your own life like that show. kudos jj abrams.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Zooey Deschanel

"I love old music, old movies, screwball comedies, vintage clothes and basically I'm an old-fashioned gal."- Zooey
Monday, March 16, 2009
Updates on life-like things.
Life is good. I am content..or at least I'm on my way there. Let's just say I am much better than I was in a couple of months ago. November was probably the most down month for me. October I came home from traveling, had my cousins wedding,
went to WV/
NC and saw all of my friends. I was on a high! It was kind of a honeymoon period- happy to be home and in the U.S. This is me at the America restaurant in D.C.
Then November hit and the reality of everything just crashed into me (hey that's a Dave Matthews Band song). There were no jobs- I'd go into an establishment, fill out an application, and then they'd never call. So I'd call them and it was always, always the same response..'The manager's not here, but maybe you could call back on Saturday..She might be here then.' I'd call Saturday and she wouldn't be there. It was just a vicious cycle. Plus, I didn't have any sort of plan then. And I know other people were trying to help, but it seems like everyone would just give me more career suggestions- you should be this, you should try that....It was a total funk.
My only obligation was driving my cousin around because she needed that.
In December, things started looking up a bit. Plus I just love Christmas so I automatically felt better! For Christmas, Julia and I had three Tales of Beetle the Bard between us! J.K. Rowling represent! Also that's Dexter in the back!
I saw in the newspaper that GLT had auditions for Inherit the Wind. It's such a wonderful play that I decided to audition. I found out later that I got a part. Although it wasn't the part I had wanted, I knew that being in a play was going to be fun.
Each month has gotten better. Christmas in December was great because of all the family and Julia and I watched a lot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. haha.
In January, rehearsals started. I only knew one person in the cast because we used to go to school together but everyone else was a stranger. I didn't talk much at first to anyone, but after a couple of weeks I started to get comfortable with everyone. In the middle of January, I met up with Erica, Kirsten, Liz, and Lauren in NYC. This trip was such a blessing for all of us. I had missed them so much. Just having friends who are intelligent, funny, sarcastic, and understand you is just wonderful. We saw Equus (Daniel Radcliffe and Richard Griffiths) and Dear Edwina (with Janice Mays!!!) and both were FABULOUS. I really want to live in the same city as them one day. This is Kirsten, Erica, Lauren, and Liz while we were trying to look for Erica's old apartment!
It was sad to leave that group of friends, but that was why coming back to rehearsals was another blessing.(seriously could I use the word blessing anymore?)
And then there was Kim's wedding. It was beautiful. Jessica, Renee, Emily, Kim's cousin Cameron, and I were all bridesmaids.
We hadn't all been together in so long. Kim and I on her big day!
It was nice to be able to share that with Kim.
In February, we basically had rehearsals every night M-F. When I was in school, I used to complain about having to go rehearsal because I knew all of the stuff that I had to do when I got home. Plus, all the people I saw in rehearsal, I saw everyday so when a show ended, I didn't really miss anyone. So doing this show, I looked forward to rehearsal because I probably hadn't done anything else that day and I knew when I got there, I could just be in the show and not have to think about anything else. Our opening night party, Rick, Aaron, and Jared being well...themselves.
Also I knew there would laughter.
But other than the show, I still had no job. Well my mom's friend Judy used to work at the Peace Center and she knew someone still working there. So basically Judy called her friend Ellen who I met with. She told me they needed someone to come in and fill in as intern. Ellen is the Vice president of Education so I help her out. It has been a nice opportunity. I don't want to do arts administration, but I'm still glad to have it. The only thing is that they don't pay me. :(
My final frustration caused me to take my mom's advice about making a little profit in my neighborhood baby-sitting, house- sitting, or pet-sitting. I don't know why I didn't do it before...It's consistent and last minute, but it's something and I've gotten to know my neighbors!
Also I applied for a program for next year. The program is in film restoration in Rochester, NY. I think it sounds very interesting so we'll see! I hear April 15.
March has started off very well. We started our performances and they went very well. That's Henry Drummond and Bert Cates in the front making some awesome faces and us jury members in the back. I'm the one with the lopsided hat.
My cousin Julia and her friend/roommate Nathalie came to see it which was wonderful. We took this pic on the set!
They stayed for the cast party too which was at my house! 
So today we did strike for the show and it was sad... :( I really had a good time.
Then November hit and the reality of everything just crashed into me (hey that's a Dave Matthews Band song). There were no jobs- I'd go into an establishment, fill out an application, and then they'd never call. So I'd call them and it was always, always the same response..'The manager's not here, but maybe you could call back on Saturday..She might be here then.' I'd call Saturday and she wouldn't be there. It was just a vicious cycle. Plus, I didn't have any sort of plan then. And I know other people were trying to help, but it seems like everyone would just give me more career suggestions- you should be this, you should try that....It was a total funk.
My only obligation was driving my cousin around because she needed that.
In December, things started looking up a bit. Plus I just love Christmas so I automatically felt better! For Christmas, Julia and I had three Tales of Beetle the Bard between us! J.K. Rowling represent! Also that's Dexter in the back!
Each month has gotten better. Christmas in December was great because of all the family and Julia and I watched a lot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. haha.
In January, rehearsals started. I only knew one person in the cast because we used to go to school together but everyone else was a stranger. I didn't talk much at first to anyone, but after a couple of weeks I started to get comfortable with everyone. In the middle of January, I met up with Erica, Kirsten, Liz, and Lauren in NYC. This trip was such a blessing for all of us. I had missed them so much. Just having friends who are intelligent, funny, sarcastic, and understand you is just wonderful. We saw Equus (Daniel Radcliffe and Richard Griffiths) and Dear Edwina (with Janice Mays!!!) and both were FABULOUS. I really want to live in the same city as them one day. This is Kirsten, Erica, Lauren, and Liz while we were trying to look for Erica's old apartment!
And then there was Kim's wedding. It was beautiful. Jessica, Renee, Emily, Kim's cousin Cameron, and I were all bridesmaids.
In February, we basically had rehearsals every night M-F. When I was in school, I used to complain about having to go rehearsal because I knew all of the stuff that I had to do when I got home. Plus, all the people I saw in rehearsal, I saw everyday so when a show ended, I didn't really miss anyone. So doing this show, I looked forward to rehearsal because I probably hadn't done anything else that day and I knew when I got there, I could just be in the show and not have to think about anything else. Our opening night party, Rick, Aaron, and Jared being well...themselves.
But other than the show, I still had no job. Well my mom's friend Judy used to work at the Peace Center and she knew someone still working there. So basically Judy called her friend Ellen who I met with. She told me they needed someone to come in and fill in as intern. Ellen is the Vice president of Education so I help her out. It has been a nice opportunity. I don't want to do arts administration, but I'm still glad to have it. The only thing is that they don't pay me. :(
My final frustration caused me to take my mom's advice about making a little profit in my neighborhood baby-sitting, house- sitting, or pet-sitting. I don't know why I didn't do it before...It's consistent and last minute, but it's something and I've gotten to know my neighbors!
Also I applied for a program for next year. The program is in film restoration in Rochester, NY. I think it sounds very interesting so we'll see! I hear April 15.
March has started off very well. We started our performances and they went very well. That's Henry Drummond and Bert Cates in the front making some awesome faces and us jury members in the back. I'm the one with the lopsided hat.

So today we did strike for the show and it was sad... :( I really had a good time.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Inherit the Wind
So I'm in a play (yay!) and it has been a little ray of sunshine for me. I liked going to rehearsal because I could just go and do my thing. It hasn't been particularly challenging- more community theatre-esque I guess. It's just been fun to go and not have to talk. Is that sad? I don't like talking to new people anymore? I don't like all those same stupid questions of the 'What do you do?' variety blah blah I've tried to avoid those kinds of situations but naturally they come up. We've been rehearsing since January 5 and I've pretty much successfully avoided talking about myself which has been awesome. And then it came up tonight when some of the cast when to eat together. I got that same question 'What do you do?' three f-in' times. By the third time, I just freaked the guy out and he was like 'Sorry I asked..yikes.' Arrrrrrrggg...and now I'm back home and feeling bad and writing about it here....
I will not resort to computer gibberish.....gjakllkgjlajgljigjakljfgjgfklajglkjfglkjfdglkjlkldkgjgdfgjajglajgklgkdfgfdkgjdflkgjl;
yup that's how I feel.
I will not resort to computer gibberish.....gjakllkgjlajgljigjakljfgjgfklajglkjfglkjfdglkjlkldkgjgdfgjajglajgklgkdfgfdkgjdflkgjl;
yup that's how I feel.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I have seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off twice in the last week after having not seen it for several years. Seeing it again made me realize it's loveliness. My favorite Hughes flick for sure. I mean you can't find a better character than Ferris especially in a high school '80s flick.
Who doesn't wish they had a little Ferris in them sometimes? I know I do! Also, who talks to the camera better than Matthew Broderick?
This is the scene in which Ferris gets on the parade float and sings Twist and Shout. You've probably seen it, but just watch again. You can't feel bad while watching this. It'll cure all ills!
ANNNNNDD one of my favorite bands Rooney named their bands after Edward Rooney, the principal from the film. Awesome.
Who doesn't wish they had a little Ferris in them sometimes? I know I do! Also, who talks to the camera better than Matthew Broderick?
This is the scene in which Ferris gets on the parade float and sings Twist and Shout. You've probably seen it, but just watch again. You can't feel bad while watching this. It'll cure all ills!
ANNNNNDD one of my favorite bands Rooney named their bands after Edward Rooney, the principal from the film. Awesome.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
25 things
I already did a list of 25 things on facebook but I didn't do them about me, they were about my friends. I thought I would then put my other 25 things on facebook because it forces me to do some introspection which I'm not so good at. I don't talk about myself very well so here's a good chance to remedy that.
1. I have never been a "wisher" (I wish I was this, I wish I was that). However, I think it would be nice to have naturally black, curly hair...think Elizabeth Taylor or Diana from "Anne of Green Gables." I just think its such a beautiful hair color.
1. I have never been a "wisher" (I wish I was this, I wish I was that). However, I think it would be nice to have naturally black, curly hair...think Elizabeth Taylor or Diana from "Anne of Green Gables." I just think its such a beautiful hair color.
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