Life is weird, unexpected, hilarious, and full of possibilities.
This blog used to be devoted to my life in Korea and now it's devoted to life after Korea. Sometimes it's unbelievable how different those lives are. I'm so proud of what I (and my friends) did last year. I really am. Of course, I feel that way a little so I can justify my life now (well I don't have a 'real' job now because I did THAT last year), which I know is ridiculous and just temporary. But it's also pretty cool what we did.
I'm in a good mood right now and figured I should share that with the bloggers out there!
I'm very proud of my friends, can I just say? I love them. Of course the number of my friends getting married (or who are married), made me feel I don't know kinda weird, kinda jealous, but also just with the feeling "But you're so young!" Now, I don't feel that way. I feel happy for them, which I know I should have felt before, but I also feel that if you find somebody that you love, hang onto them! But I'm also glad I have not met someone yet because I'm just not ready, but one day I will be...
I've been thinking about living in NYC, at least for a little while. I have many friends there or who will be living there and it just seems right I guess. It seems very scary as well, but I think it would be a good thing. I have thought about studying arts administration or film preservation. Not sure...I would like to go back to school especially if I went to New York.
oh and I was going to be in a movie here in SC. It was to be called Daisy Doom about this run down town with a local legend about a family who never leaves their house, but the town folk see this girl in the window and there's always a daisy on the front porch steps. Anyways, the main character was this frustrated kinda d-bag who has a sad life (mother has run off, father is not all there, sister gets beaten by her boyfriend) but meets this odd girl in the woods who he strikes up a friendship with. Well I was to play the odd girl named Estella...I thought it would have been fun and challenging. Then the entire thing was canceled on Sunday because of this huge misunderstanding..Very frustrating. Well here's the dress I would have worn! I got it from a local vintage shop. Oh well :(
Yay! It's good to see a post from you. Also, since I have you on my Google Reader, I don't often come to the actual blog. I'm laughing at your header now :D
I'm glad you're in a good place, even if your work life isn't in the best place. And I'm very sorry to hear the film won't happen, because that sounds like one I would love to watch (and not just because you'd be in it - although that is reason enough for me to watch anything ^_^). Maybe talk to the script writer and encourage them to keep working on getting it made, finding a way.. and you may also get carried along with it to play the girl :)
I'm proud (and envious) of what you and your friends did in Korea too. Sometimes I wish I had waited a little longer to get married and done something like that, but I was too impatient and I know it would have really sucked being apart for longer. I don't think I would have gotten as much out of the experience because of that. Anyway, it's good to be happy on your own, and it's good to hold on to the ones who make you happy when you find them.
You are a pocket philosopher! I like it :)
Okay wait .. What on Earth is "fake" about your job(s) right now?
Part time? Yeah, maybe. Anything but real? Uhm. No.
I love you guys! The title is from a song of Mandy Moore's.
You have me on google reader? I feel so special! And also, the director has decided to continue with the project in may of 2010. At first, he said he wouldn't make films any more, but now that he has cooled off he has changed his mind. I doubt that he would ask me to play Estella again because we didn't leave the situation on very good terms. I was honest with him and thought he shouldn't have canceled it. Also, I don't think I would want to be involved in any more of his projects. This whole thing just shows how immature he is..
Thanks! I guess my job is real and therefore exists in actual life. I said exactly what I hate..what exactly is a "real" job? Only 9-5, boring desk jobs are real? hmmmm
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