My birthday, which has April 29, has usually been a wonderful day for me. When I was a student in school, it was always the end of the school year so the weather was nice and people are usually in a good mood. I've always loved celebrating it! The last four years I haven't been able to celebrate with my family because I was always still in classes and this year....well I'm in Korea so lately I've celebrated it with my friends. So this post is basically thanking my friends for making my birthdays special and to my family for being amazing.
Okay so freshmen year....well I don't have that picture. But I figured I'll just put in a picture of me and my friends from freshmen year. I remember we went to Old Ebbitt Grill in D.C. and I got crab cakes...and they were good!

Sophomore year... I was stage managing a show so I couldn't really do the whole going out to dinner thing. So after the opening night of the show, my friend Meghan, kept saying "Let's walk back to your room together...I'll go with you.." But I kept talking to people and then when we finally got back to my room, there my friends were with a big "Surprise!" That had always been a dream of mine to have a surprise party because I LOVE surprises. So that was amazing.

Junior year...Quite a different birthday. I had studied abroad that semester and at the end I thought I would travel with some of the people in the program. I really wanted to go to Greece and they said they would go too. I bought my ticket and they said "Oh its just too expensive..." So I ended up going by myself. So I was alone on my 21st birthday. That was kind of a bummer, but I was in Greece so you was okay.

Senior birthday was on Gilby's. For our drama department, the seniors put on a kind of Academy Awards type show where they give out awards and put on skits/ parodies about the shows/teachers/ students from that year. Its a lot of work so I wasn't expecting anyone to really remember or at least not to make a big deal out of it because we were so busy. However, during the ceremony, I hear from CSmith "What if it was Andrea Mullen's 22nd birthday?" Then everyone at Gilby's sang Happy Birthday to me and I got a cake afterwards (Tweety of course)...I couldn't believe that.

This year, it was another great birthday. Us CUAers along with Carla, Aerim, and Aerim's friends Ellen and Young Gwan went to Seoul Land, an amusement park. It was fun and not too crowded so that was nice! Then my friend Carla took me out for a really nice lunch at this place called Top was fancy.

Basically I'm so grateful.