I am now definitely used to an enjoying life in Korea right now. Weird how I start to get used to and then I'm leaving, but then again teaching six year olds without hardly any holiday or breaks I could definitely do without. But my friends here have definitely been a blessing. Next Thursday, my co-worker Carla is leaving to go home to England for the summer. We have gotten really close and its gonna be really strange here without her.
Us at Seoul Land (along with some other new friends)

Erica and Carla

This Friday is the 4th of July! Hopefully us CUA Seoulites will be doing something...maybe the Han River cruise. Hopefully we can shoot off fireworks somewhere (they have no laws about that here).
Awww, Hartke shirt in Korea. Spreading the love!
August 2. Not that I know this... I loved book 3. stop being so right!
WHAT? You've always been outwardly angry. Mullen, stop lying.
You are evil...and were ALWAYS being mean and domineering towards me. what alternate universe were YOU living in?
Mullen mean?? Wow, never would have guessed that!! :P
Just teasing. Hope you're doing well! Enjoy your 4th of July celebrations.
PS - I'm enjoying the new blue layout!
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