In case I've never explained it, I have two six year old classes that I teach from 10-2:30. One class, the Lovely Ladybugs, are amazing. I mean yes they tend to get a little rowdy and the girls have amazinly high pitched voices (I have to tell them to use their "small" voice), but all in all they are very cute and sweet and SMART! I love them. But my other class on the other hand- terrors. They are the "precious"( haha) Polar Bears. In this class, there are some little devils who don't listen and have no respect for me. I mean I can't fault them too much...they are actually five years old (six Korean), but man they drive me up the wall. The girls are really sweet though and much smarter than the boys (isn't that always the case?)
When she said that, I was just thinking 'wow...I really dislike you.' It really made me angry.
So I have this open house tomorrow...lets hope it goes well.
Aw hun I am sorry, that doesn't sound fun at all! I hope things get better and you don't have to stay as a creepy cracked out Disney character for too long...
AHHHHHHHH! Mullen - good luck!
or break legs? considering that your supervisor wants you to PERFORM. I hope it all goes well.
I'm pretty sure this happened already... so I hope it went well.
Walk up to that woman and in your creepy Snow White voice (which I KNOW you CAN do, I've heard it... Helga) tell her that you want to be JUST LIKE HER... and stare... a lot... at her... all day... just until she gets so creeped out she throws herself down a flight of stairs. Easy-peesy!
I'm sure it went well Andrea Teacher!!
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