Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Open House...aka shoot me in the face.

Tomorrow and on Friday, my school is having an open house. This isn't like the open houses that my schools used to have in which the parents would go at night and meet the teachers and talk, eat snacks, etc etc. For our open house, the parents come in and watch us (only the foreign teachers) teach a class. It's awkward because the parents just stare and the kids are like little Stepford children. They sit properly and they never talk out of turn. It's weird. I did it once before in January. But this time, I'm doing it with my six year olds....eeeek.

In case I've never explained it, I have two six year old classes that I teach from 10-2:30. One class, the Lovely Ladybugs, are amazing. I mean yes they tend to get a little rowdy and the girls have amazinly high pitched voices (I have to tell them to use their "small" voice), but all in all they are very cute and sweet and SMART! I love them. But my other class on the other hand- terrors. They are the "precious"( haha) Polar Bears. In this class, there are some little devils who don't listen and have no respect for me. I mean I can't fault them too much...they are actually five years old (six Korean), but man they drive me up the wall. The girls are really sweet though and much smarter than the boys (isn't that always the case?)

Anyways, we have preparing for this open house for awhile. In the midst of this prep, my supervisor tells me that I have to change my voice to sound like some creepy Snow White flight attendant I guess. And then she says 'You were a theatre major right? You should be able to do that.'
When she said that, I was just thinking 'wow...I really dislike you.' It really made me angry.

So I have this open house tomorrow...lets hope it goes well.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Nightmare Concert and other happenings.

Life in Seoul is good. The weather is finally warm and I'm enjoying my time here. My school is difficult but thats another story.

Jen and I are big fans of Korean pop and she suggested that we go see a K-pop show sometime. Jen found the "Dream Concert 2008" which is Korea's biggest concert and all or most of the big names come. We were confused before we went about how to get tickets. First, we thought we had to buy tickets online (or you buy a book and then you get a ticket free?) But we couldn't figure out how to do it! My Korean co-teachers and others told us that you didn't have to buy tickets because the concert was free and that anyone could get in! I was perplexed by this, but I was intent on going.
So Jen, her sister Cara, and I got there and there's already this mass amount of people. The fan clubs were taking up the most amount of seats...We even tried to blend in with a fan club but I think my whiteness gave us away! haha So by this point, there are huge lines and all of the doors are closed. We weren't sure how we were supposed to get in. We tried to just fit in with this crowd, but we were then shoved and pushed by crazy crazy angry fans. I have never been shoved like that in my life. The weight from the fifty people behind us was pushing and we then toppled over on the ground. I was so afraid of being trampled. It was so scary!

We finally did get into the concert. The concert wasn't so great. Some of the performances were good. Epik High was really awesome to see.
In Korea, all of the fan clubs wave balloons and they never stop waving them!

Here's a tip Korea. Give people tickets and ticket takers and scary, big security guys.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

This is only for now

I have much to update on, but for this post I thought I would focus not on teaching English in South Korea. I thought I would give a little shout out to my homies in the U.S.

There were many graduations this month, but in particular my cousin Julia graduated high school yesterday. Julia is an amazing student (she's going to UNC Chapel Hill in the fall) and she works so so hard! She was also the speaker at her graduation, which I was so upset to miss. I'm really proud of her and love her alot!

I'm gonna give another shout out to another class of '08...My CUAdrama loves! Congratulations!