Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Our trip has officially begun..

bye bye Korea! bye bye SLP!
hello traveling!

first stop- Japan
we landed yesterday in the morning in Hiroshima. We were going to stay one night but because of the trouble we have had with Indian visas, we opted to just stay in Hiroshima for the day and take a train to Tokyo! We got to see Peace Memorial Park yesterday where the Atom Bomb hit in 1946. It was very moving to see the park. On all of the monuments, they stressed peace and that the awful horrors of the atom bomb never be repeated. It gave us a lot to think about. Really glad I saw that.

Last night, we took the four hour train to Tokyo. It was very nice. Japan is so so so so so clean! I like that it is organized...Last night we stayed in a fabulous hotel. I'm so glad to be here!