Sunday, September 16, 2007

I've almost been here a month!

yo!! whats up bloggers? I totally copied Tennyson and decided to create a blog of my own...I would love to be able to send individual emails about this experience so people could keep up but I've decided that this would be least to tell my side of the story!

So lets go back about a month to my departure from lovely SC here to Korea...My leave was emotional at best. Saying goodbye to people and me fully realizing who I was leaving was difficult because I am a home body, although it may not seem that way. I did not go to college 8 hours away, study abroad, or go to Korea to get away from my family or because I hate home. I just try to take every opportunity I can and while I still can! The separation is hard though. But I knew that at least I would going to Seoul with five of my close friends which was different because usually I'm doing these kinds of things alone...Its very nice to be here with them. Tennyson and I actually flew here together (we of course watched Harry Potter on the plane). We were separated at the airport because we were taken to our hotels. I stayed in a hotel my first five days in Seoul and then moved into an apartment which belonged to another teacher here. However, I am now moving again to be closer to the school!

I will definitely write more later...I don't want this post to be ridiculously long!


meghanisamixtape said...

love & miss you! & i will be keeping up with your blog like crazy, woman :)


julie jules said...

hope it's a blast!

Anonymous said...

have fun! I miss you!