Sunday, November 25, 2007

The home stretch..

I only have four more weeks until I go home for Christmas....I think December is going to be a really great month! At school we are just preparing for the Christmas concert so we aren't really doing the "regular activities." I'll be spending the rest of my time Christmas shopping and hanging out with my friends (hopefully watching Christmas movies)...At least I hope it goes well! And I know its going to go by sooo fast because December always does. I have Christmas at home to look forward to!

You know whats really annoying...itunes has a very small collection of the Christmas movies that I want! Its A Wonderful Life, Holiday Inn, Holiday (an old movie with Kate Hepburn and Cary Grant), and also The Sound of Music (yes its not a Christmas movie but hey I'm ranting here)...Itunes- you really need to shape up!

On Saturday, all of us CUA peeps watched Love Letter in Jen's apartment. Its a movie by this Japanese director called Shunji Iwai. It was a very sweet, well made film..But watching the movie with everyone in Jen's room, it really felt like senior year all over again. It was very comforting...

1 comment:

Candy said...

It's a little expensive considering how cheap Netflix is, but since you're not in the states there's a site called where you can download rentals for usually $3.99 each. They've got a pretty good collection, and you never have to get a subscription or anything. You might try that.

The only drawbacks are that you have to get their player off their website (when you check out it will prompt for this, so don't worry about searching for it), and you have to use Internet Explorer to check out (you can browse without it). Other than that, it's pretty cool, so see if you can find anything there! You should read through all the terms of watching after you rent and stuff, I could tell you but this is enough of a commercial already.

Hope you're well and that all of your flights home and back to China are smooth!