Saturday, January 5, 2008

Christmas and a Happy happy New Year

So since I last wrote, my school had our Christmas concert.....wowza! It was some intense preparation let me tell you. Basically, our kids didn't learn much that month as we were ALWAYS practicing for the concert. But in the end, the kids are 6 (7 in Korea because they had a year on to your life) so the chances of them doing a 20 minute one-act play and 5 songs well was too much to ask. But you know what the performance turned out okay!

It was definitely nice when it was over! Then the next day I left to come home! I was sooooo ready for a break and to come back to SC and see everyone. With all of my traveling it was about 15 hours and when I landed in GSP, there was my family waiting (with Renee holding sweet tea I might add). It felt so normal to be home like nothing had changed which is not what I expected. I tried to get all of the food that I had missed so I definitely ate well while at home!

Whats strange is that its now 2008...crazy! 2007 was a wonderful and crazy year full of big changes. The biggest changes of my life. Thinking about where I was in January of 2007- a senior at CUA, living in Mil. North, doing No One Here Speaks French to now where I am a teacher (which still freaks me out a bit) in Seoul, South Korea. Its pretty unbelievable actually. Coming back to Seoul, I'll be honest here, I didn't feel so good about it (that could also have to do with the fact that I've been pretty ill lately)...So I'm gonna write the things I enjoy about Seoul and 2008!
-My friends here who truly make this experience worth it
-having my first real job
-my students who actually listen and seeing them learn
-Korean food that I actually like (oodang, bibimbap, dukbolgi are my favorites)
-movies are subtitled here, theres no dubbing!
-we found Mexican food....nuff said (GRACIAS DOS TACOS)
-the kindnesses that I have been shown by some Korean people
-Seoul is a safe city



Renee said...

oh yay! I made mention in your blog! :) Love you sweetie!

Candy said...

Glad to hear you had fun back in the states! I'm surprised at the length of your travels, though - you must have gotten some nice direct flights!

I hope the new semester goes well :)

ertennyson said...

Well Said. ...ditto to all of it (except the SC part, of course)

GioTheSinger said...

Actually, from what I understand, if your birthday is on December 31, you are a 1 on that day, and the very next day, you are 2. So a new born baby can be 2 years old in Korea. That's fascinating to me. I hope you're enjoying South Korea. One of my best friends is Korean and she taught me a few words and phrases, but in no way can I attempt to write or spell in Korean. Best of luck to you, Andrea!