Thursday, March 13, 2008

Another school year begins...

My co-workers at the goodbye dinner for th e teachers who left
In Korea, the school year starts in March, weirdly enough, so I now have all new students and classes. Its very strange because from August until February I taught seven year olds who had been at our school for two years. Naturally, they spoke English quite well. The drawback was they had an attitude and behavioral problems. Now I'm teaching six year olds who have just started speaking English last Monday...lets just say its interesting. They are still speaking Korean in class and they'll say things to me in Korean or ask me questions and I just look at them and say "I don't know what you're saying..." They are soo, sooo cute though and they look at me like I'm their god which is quite a difference from the seven year olds I used to teach. So March is gonna be difficult to get through. Oh and I also have to teach them drama....they can't read and oh yeah they can't speak English! How are they supposed to perform "City Mouse and Country Mouse?" I don't get it..

My Korean co-teacher Elie is getting married and moving to the other side of Seoul so she's not gonna be my partner teacher anymore...sad story....


ertennyson said...

Oh no! I didn't know that after she gets married Ellie is going to move! That is a sad story.

Candy said...

good luck chica!

CSmith said...

you. go. girl.

As a wise man once said in each of Adam Sandler's movies: YOU CAN DO IT!!!