Thursday, March 27, 2008

CanMore lady

Sometimes during my break or after work I go to this place called CanMore for some coffee or a smoothie. It's a nice little place because I can sit down and read in their big comfy chairs (they also have swingin chairs) and get away from SLP. The lady who works there (she probably owns it) knows who I am because I've been there a couple times and plus her son went to SLP. She's so, so kind and she always gives me a confidence boost. Today I actually had a good conversation with her. She said "May I question your name?" After I told her my name, she said "Oh very hard.. (Her name is Jung-il Kwan I least I hope I got that right)...when I hear Andrea I think of novel or movie...I think of beautiful woman running and beautiful man running.."
She also said she'd miss me when I went back to America...she's amazing.


ertennyson said...

I want to come to your SLP!!

CSmith said...

Awwwwww. Everyone misses Mullen, they just don't know it til they meet her!

Renee said...

Miss you like crazy over here, missy! Can't wait until you come home. :)

Candy said...

That's so sweet!!

I would love to see that place... Swinging chairs... :D